About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W #
Single page lists: authors subjects titles
Most useful EPA documents
IBM 360/System Batch Version of Highway Construction Noise Model
Kenneth J. Platkin
June 1981
This study investigated the noise associated with highway construction activities. It involved the identification and examination of: highway construction activities, noise characteristics associated with highway construction activities, availability of highway construction noise abatement measures, demonstration of construction site noise abatement measures, and development of a computer-based model for use as a tool to predict the noise impact of construction activities and to plan mitigation measures. The model was developed for use on the FHWA computer (IBM 360). A total of seven reports were prepared in this study and have been released fro public distribution. This report provides additional information to the Part B report on the highway construction noise model installed at DOT's Transportation Computer Center on an IBM 360 computer. It delineates the difference between the version of the model as installed on the IBM 360 and the two models (HINPUT and HICNOM) operating on the Wyle Computer (PDP-11). The report has additional user's manual information for use on the IBM 360, a programmer's manual describing changes in going from the PDP-11 to the IBM 360, and a maintenance manual.
Identification and Classification of Noise-Producing Household Consumer Products
March 1978
Identification of Products as Major Sources of Noise
June 1974
Impact Characterization of Noise Including Implications of Identifying and Achieving Levels of Cumulative Noise Exposure
July 1973
Impact Noise Control In Multifamily Dwellings
January 1963
Impact of Noise on People
May 1977
Aviation noise significantly impacts approximately six million people in urban areas. In an effort to explain the impact of noise on these citizens, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) presents this brochure. Included are aircraft noise indices, information on humna response to noise, and criteria for land use controls. Additionally, hearing damage and occupational health standards for noise are described. FAA presents this information in an effort to enhance public understanding of the impact of noise on people and to answer many questions that typically arise.
Index - Docket No. OPMO-0184
Forwarded are the following documents that may be requested by persons interested in the Withdrawal of Wheel and Crawler Tractors….
Index - Proposed Withdrawal of Truck Transport Refrigeration Units (TTRU's) Docket ONAC-01-82
Industrial Machinery Noise Impact Modeling - Vol. 1
C.H. Hansen; B.A. Kugler
July 1981
This study describes the development of a machinery noise computer model which may be used to assess the effect of occupational noise on the health and welfare of industrial workers. The porpose of the model is to provide EPA with the methodology to evaluate the personnel noise problem, to identify the equipment types responsible for the exposure and to assess the potential benefits of a given noise control action. Due to its flexibility in design and application, the model and supportive computer program can be used by other federal agencies, state governments, labor and industry as an aid in the development of noise abatement programs. The model is developed based on the Level Weighted Population (LWP), and the fractional impact method used by EPA to assess occupational and environmental noise situations. To provide a comparison with the EPA evaluation, a parallel model based on the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) noise regulation administered by DOL has also been developed. The parametric design of the computer model allows the user to assess the noise exposure problem in several plants, an industry or a group of industries. Industry data are organized by Standard Industrial Codes (SIC) and the anlysis can be performed by simply identifying a two-, three- or four-digit code depending on the detail required. Specific procedures for field data acquisition are provided. Additional data can be added to the existing data bank as it becomes available. The end result of the evaluation is a rankordering of the machinery items which most contribute to the noise exposure problem in each industry. Furthermore, the effect of any noise control action on a specific equipment item can be quickly evaluated. The accuracy of the results improves as the number of plants in the sample is increased. As an example of the use of the model two industries were surveyed; the Sawmill Industry and the Iron & Steel Foundry Industry. The sample size was nine plants for the sawmill industry and seven plants for the foundry industry. The accuracy of the results obtained using these limited sample sizes is discussed in the text. Recommendations for the inclusion of an iteration procedure for the determination of minimum noise reduction requirements and the corresponding probable costs are also presented.
Industrial Machinery Noise Impact Modeling Vol. II - Appendices
May 1981
Inflation Impact Statement for Portable Air Compressor Regulation
December 1975
Executive Order 11821 requires the preparation of an Inflation Impact Statement (IIS) for all major standards and regulations or of major legislation. Attached is the IIS for the Portable Air Compressor Regulation signed into law December 31, 1975 and published in the Federal Register, January 14, 1976 (41FR2162).
Information Brief on Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) Truck Noise Data for Interstate Motor Carriers
June 1982
As mandated by the Noise Control Act of 1972, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued noise emission standards and regulations for interstate motor carriers. The noise emission standards were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the EPA on October 21, 1974 and the regulations for compliance were issued by the DOT on September 12, 1975. As part of the enforcement activity, the DOT's Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety (BMCS) established a truck noise measurement program which included data collecting, organizing and reporting functions.
Information on FAA Certification of Aircraft
Carl Modig
January 1975
Under Section 7 of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-574), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized to propose to the Federal Aviation Administration, aircraft noise regulations, including the application of such regulations in the issuance, amendment, modification, suspension or revocation of any certificate authorized by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1431). This study was undertaken to furnish EPA with an overview of aircraft type certification regulations (e.g., original type, supplemental, airworthiness, etc.) through which aviation noise regulations are or could be implemented.
Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety
March 1974
This document identifies noise levels consistent with the protection of public health and welfare against hearing loss, annoyance, and activity interference.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurement Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Rotary Power Lawnmowers
October 1981
This supplement is intended to help governemtn purchasing agents and other officials purchase quieter power lawnmowers. It contains quiet lawnmower purchase specifications which were developed at a government-industry conference hosted by The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing in April, 1980. This conference was the first in a series of such specification development conferences that NIGP is conducting on different products.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Chain Saws
May 1981
This supplement is intended to help governmental purchasing agents and other officials purchase quieter chain saws. It contains quiet chain saw purchase descriptions which were developed at a government-industry conference hosted by The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing in June, 1980. This conference was the second in a series of specification development conferences that NIGP is conducting on different products. This supplement is a companion document to the :Guide ti Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and other materials available through the Quiet Product Data Bank maintained by NIGP can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Motorcycles
June 1980
This packet contains information for the use of government purchasing officers and other officials in purchasing quieter Motorcycles. It is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet product Data Bank maintained by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Pavement Breakers and Rock Drills
June 1980
This packet contains information for the use of government purchasing officers and other officials in purchasing quieter Pavement Breakers and Rock Drills. It is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet product Data Bank maintained by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Portable Air Compressors
November 1981
This supplement is intended to help governmental purchasing agents and other officials purchase quieter, more energy-efficient portable air compressors through the competitive bidding process. It contains a portable air compressor purchase description which was developed at a government-industry conference hosted by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing in June 1981. This conference was the third in a series of such conferences that NIGP is conducting on different products. This supplement is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet Product Data Bank maintained by NIGP can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Trash Compactors
June 1980
This packet contains information for the use of government purchasing officers and other officials in purchasing quieter trash compactors. It is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet product Data Bank maintained by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Vacuum Cleaners
June 1980
This packet contains information for the use of government purchasing officers and other officials in purchasing quieter Vacuum Cleaners. It is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet product Data Bank maintained by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Information on Noise Levels, Noise Measurment Methods and "Buy Quiet" Experiences Associated with Wheel and Crawler Tractors
June 1980
This packet contains information for the use of government purchasing officers and other officials in purchasing quieter Wheel and Crawler Tractors. It is a companion document to the "Guide to Purchasing Quieter Products and Services" which describes in general terms how noise considerations can be incorporated into purchasing decisions. Together, these documents and others available through the Quiet product Data Bank maintained by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) can help you develop a "Buy Quiet" Program for your government.
Informations Brief - Possible Consequences of Fuel Allocation Program on Aircraft Noise
H.J. Nozick
January 1974
Several cursory studies over the past three months have given some preliminary indication that the energy problem, as it relates in particular to the consequences of decisions resulting from the airline fuel allocation program, could result in further degradation of the environment in communities adjacent to airports due to increases in aircraf noise. The purpose of this brief is to consolidate all of the preliminary data and provide a base reference for future consideration relative to fuel conservation and noise tradeoffs.
INM - Integrated Noise Model - Version 3 - User's Guide
Mary Catherine Flythe
October 1982
This document contains the instructions to execute the Integrated Nose Model (INM), Version 3. INM Version 3 is the state-of-the-art computer tool for determining the total impact of aircraft noise at and around airports. This manual contain a general description of elements of an airport study case and specific instructions for preparing the input for a case. INM Version 3 supersedes Version 2 which was released in September 1979. This document replaces "INM, Integrated Noise Model, Version 2, User's Guide," (Report No. FAA-EE-79-09).
Inspection of Federal Facilities for Compliance with Noise Abatement Standards
December 1976
This document provides guidance to the Environmental Protection Agency regional offices for identifying noise problems at Federal facilities, selecting facilities to be inspected for compliance with environmental noise requirements and conducting noise inspections at Federal facilities.
Inspection of Federal Facilities for Compliance with Noise Abatement Standards
December 1976
This document provides guidance to the Environmental Protection Agency regional offices for identifying noise problems at Federal facilities, selecting facilities to be inspected for compliance with environmental noise requirements and conducting noise inspections at Federal facilities.
Instructions for Models - 215 Sound Level Meter, OB-45 Octave Band Filter, 215-45 Octave Band Analyzer, PH-35 Peak Hold Module, 215R Remote Micrphone Meter, CA-12 Sound Level Calibrator, RA-100MV Recorder Adaptor and Accessories
Insulation of Buildings Against Highway Noise
Bruce A. Davy; Steven R. Skale
The purpose of this manual is to provide members of the highway engineering field with the necessary tools to assess the noise insulation requirements of buildings. This analysis will enable the highway engineer to determine the effectiveness of existing buildings in insulating interior spaces against highway noise. It will also allow an evaluation of proposed modifications to the building to increase insulation effectiveness.
Inter Noise 72 - International Conference on Noise Control Engineering
October 1972
Proceedings of the 1972 International Conference on Noise Control Engineering held at Washington D.C. on October 4-6, 1972. Sponsored by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) in Cooperation with the Acoustical Society of America, the International Acoustics Commission of IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) and six agencies of the U.S. Federal Government: Department of Health Education and Welfare, Department of Houseing and Urban Development, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Bureau of Standards.
Interim Report by Federal City Council Task Force on National Airport
June 1980
In January, 1980, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Goldschmidt proposed operating rules for National Airport which would sharply limit its growth, reduce noise, alter the mix of aircraft, eliminate late night operations, and possibly increase the number of cities served. The purpose of these rules and the accompanying environmental impact assessment was to define operating limits which will allow master planning for physical improvement of the Airport's facilities. The Federal City Council offered to play a facilitating role in bringing about some consensus on the Airport's future. Since early this year, a Task Force of forty Council members has been involved in an intensive examination of the issues and options. More than two dozen meetings have been held with governmental officials and representatives of citizen groups, private aircraft owners and operators, and airline organizations. Orientation visits have been made to the three major regional airports and 900 pages of background material have been reviewed. The Task Force has focused on the proposed rules, preliminary plans for physical redevelopment and financeing alternatives. As a result of this review, the Task Force believes the FAA's proposed rules for National Airport's operation reasonably accommodate the competing interests at stake - significantly reducing noise while setting the stage for more convenient passenger service. A passenger ceiling should be set somewhere between 16 and 18 million passengers annually. National should primarily serve short haul traffic from relatively nearby cities. When two flights are competing for the same slot, the shorter flight should have priority. To maintain the new annual limit in the face of increasing demand, the frequency of major airline flights should be reduced through cutbacks in slot allocations and admittance of wide-bodied aircraft, after demonstration of their ability to operate safely at National under adverse weather conditions. Commuter aircraft, generally serving close-in communities, should be awarded up to seven additional slots on an as-needed basis. Construction of additional general aviation facilities at Dulles should be expedited and shared use of existing facilities at Andrews AFB, Davison Airfield, and the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center should be explored. The proposed 10:30 p.m. closing time for all aircraft operations should be implemented, although scheduled aircraft that depart in time to land at National before 10:30 but are delayed enroute should be allowed to land. The Task Force believes the perimeter rule is probably no longer necessary because airplane limitations, the annual passenger limit, fewer airline slots, and a short haul preference rule - if adopted - will serve to limit traffic in to the Airport. If one is to be kept, however, the existing 650 mile perimeter with seven grand-fathered exemptions is a reasonable one, as demand sometimes already exceeds the number of available slots. Improvements in the physical condition of Airport facilities to better accommodate both aircraft and passengers should be made as quickly as possible, with costs recovered over time through user charges.
International Harvester Letter Regarding the Petition for Reconsideration - 1982 Medium and Heavy Truck Noise Emission Regulation
May 1981
International Harvester Petitions and Related EPA/IH Correspondence
Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Compliance Regulations
September 1975
Is Quiet Possible at the Dudley Home?
December 1978
Issues in Transportation-Related Environmental Quality
IVECO Trucks of North America Incorporated Rseponse to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981