About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
Subject Index: A B C E G H I L M O P R S T U W
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W #
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Most useful EPA documents
Occupational Hearing Conservation
Occupational Hearing Loss - Workers Compensation Under State and Federal Programs
Richard E. Ginnold
August 1979
This report represents over a year of discussion and research in the compensation laws and practices of 50 states and the federal government. The report documents severe limitations in the adequacy of workers compensation for noise induced hearing loss. The report also shows that the cost of hearing loss compensation to employers and insurers is minute compared to other worker's compensation costs and that major justified improvements can and should be made if hearing loss compensation is to provide any financial incentive for noise control.
Official Docket for Proposed Revision to Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulation - Part I
July 1979
Official Docket for Proposed Revision to Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulation - Part II
July 1979
Official Docket for Proposed Revision to Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulation - Part III
June 1980
Proposed revision to the rail carrier noise emission regulation, encompassing a railyard property line standard and source standards, was published on April 17, 1979 (44 FR 22960). The official public comment period began with this Federal Register publication and closed July 2, 1979. All comments received or postmarked by the closing date were published in a two part Official Docket for Proposed Revision to Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulation (EPA 550/9-79-208). On January 4, 1980, we published final railyard noise source standards and also reopened the formal comment period for the proposed property-line noise regulation (45 FR 1252). Public comments were accepted until April 4, 1980, to allow all interested parties the opportunity to express their opinions on the proposed property line standards in light of the finalized source standards. This publication consists of the public comments that we received during the reopened comment period and an appendix that includes those comments that were received between July 2, 1979 and January 4, 1980, the period of time after the closing date of the first comment period and before the reopening. It is designated as part III of the official docket for the April 17, 1979, proposed revision to the rail carrier noise regulation.
Official* Participants (*written Commitments to use Buy Quiet procurement process as of 10/81)
O'Hare Extension Project - Noise & Vibration Study - Final Report
Steven L. Wolfe
August 1979
This final report "Noise and Vibration Study for the O'Hare Extension" is composed of three separate reports, I. Noise and Vibration Survey Report, II. Design Recommendations and Evaluations Report, and III. Noise and Vibration Control Design Criteria Report. Section I, Noise and Vibration Survey, includes the results of the environmental noise and vibration survey, noise and vibration levels from existing CTA operations, identification of noise impact, and recommended noise and vibration control measures for wayside noise, station platform noise and ground-borne noise at the O'Hare Airport. Section II, Design Recommendations and Evaluations, includes recommendations on track systems, station acoustics, ancillary transit facilities, noise and air pressure control associated with fan shafts, vent shafts and portals, acoustical barriers and construction noise. Section III, Noise and Vibration Control Design Criteria, presents an outline of noise and vibration control requirements and procedures for use in facility design.
O'Hare International Airport - 1978 Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) 30/40
Ohio EPA Response to the ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks)
April 1981
One Day Workshops on Purchasing Quieter Products and Services
One Precision Sound Level Meter You Can Count On
OPEI Voluntary Noise Labelling Program - Changes for 1982 Shipment Year
Operational/Procedural Noise Reduction Flight Program - Progress Report No. 4
March 1971
Oshkosh Truck Corporation Response to ONAC Docket 81-02 (Medium and Heavy Trucks) ANR-490
April 1981
Overview of the Noise Decision Model - Executive Summary
May 1983
The Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control (EPA ONAC), developed and extensively used a tool to assist in the anlysis and selection of regulatory options for all products identified and subject to noise emission regulations under the Noise Control Act. This tool, the Noise Decision Model (NDM), is a computerized model that provides a way of comparing alternative regulatory options under consideration by decision/policy-makers on the basis of benefits or effectiveness and cost. The model provides the Office with a tool for the rapid computation and display of relevant data required for selecting the preferred regulatory alternative. In addition, results obtained from executing this model are directly applicable to meeting regulatory review requirements for final rules under Executive Order 12291. This report documents the salient features of the NOM. In addition, a brief statement on its origin is made.