About the EPA document collection held by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.
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Most useful EPA documents
Measures of Noise Level: Their Relative Accuracy in Predicting Objective and Subjective Responses to Noise During Sleep
February 1, 1977
A review of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the effects of noise on human sleep indicates that no sleep disruption can be predicted with good accuracy (correlation coefficients of about 0.80) if the noise descriptor accounts for the frequency-weighted spectrum and the duration of the noise. Units such as EdBA, EPNdB, and SENEL are better predictors than a unit such as maximum dBA. Furthermore, no sleep disruption can be predicted more accurately than arousal or behavioral awakening responses. Some evidence suggests that questionnaires about subjective sleep quality should contain items dealing with the subject's (a) sense of well being on arising, (b) sense of the general quality of his sleep, and (c)estimates on how long it took to fall asleep. Scores on these items can be summed to develop a Composite Sleep Quality measure. Although the amount of evidence is limited, such Composite Sleep Quality is correlated highly (about 0.90) with Composite Noise Rating (CNR) when units of EPNdB or EdBA are used to calculate CNR. Other techniques for calculating the total nighttime noise environment, such as Leq and NNI, have some shortcomings with respect to their ability to predict Composite Sleep Quality.
A Method for Assessing Automobile Noise
June 1, 1980
This study presents a methods that can be used to examine and quantify each factor contributing to motor vehicle noise produced by automobile accelerating on city/suburban streets. It is based on data collected in six different jurisdictions subject to a range of noise control programs and was developed to assisst State/local jurisdictions to formulate or refine motor vehicle noise control programs.
Method for Assessing Benefits of Airborne Noise Isolation Requirements in Residential and Educational Buildings
July 1, 1982
This report presents a method for estimating benefits accruing from implementation of acoustical performance requirements for new buildings. The method can be applied to a wide range of environmental noise conditions and noise isolation requirements for building envelopes. Benefits are estimated based upon the distribution of population with outdoor noise level and the noise isolation provided by the building envelope. A method is described for estimating noise isolation provided performance of existing construction based upon local conditions.
A Method for Assessing the Effectiveness of Property Line Noise Control Programs
June 1, 1980
This study describes the basic components found in four active property lijne noise control programs and suggests a method for assessing program effectiveness. It is for use by local jurisdictions interested in developing property linne noise control or assessing current program completeness.
Model Community Noise Control Ordinance
September 1, 1975
This report contains a model ordinance for use by cities and counties in the development of noise control ordinances tailored to local conditions and goals. It is a comprehensive, performance-standard noise ordinance intended to overcome enforcement problems associated with the outmoded nuisance law approach to noise control. This report contains sections on the control of noise from both stationary and mobile sources and includes land use planning provisions. A preamble gives important explanatory information for certain ordinance sections.
Model Noise Control Ordinance
The Model Noise Control Ordinance (model ordinance) is intended to be a basic tool which communities, both large and small, can use to construct noise control ordinances suited to local needs and conditions. The complete model ordinance, including optional provisions, is perhaps more suitable for larger communities, with populations of about 100,000 or more. Smaller communities and large communities with limited resources may wish to adopt only those provisions which address their most pressing noise problems. It is important that the community ensure that all provisions adopted are realistic in relation to local needs and conditions; that all provisions are consistent with one another, with other local law, and with State and Federal law; and, finally, that all provisions are clear and otherwise well drafted so that enforcement problems will be minimalized.