[NPC Clearinghouse]

"Good Neighbors Keep Their Noise To Themselves"

Noise Forum


The Noise Forum contains essays written by noise activists from around the world. The opinions expressed in the noise forum belong to the authors.

New Bedford, Massachusetts Airport (Bob Cook, 1997) Mr. Cook writes about his experiences fighting the expansion of a small regional airport located just south of Boston.

Noise Initiation Ceremony (Federico Miyara, 1997) (in English or Spanish) Mr. Miyara is a noise expert and the Director-Coordinator of the Acoustics and Electroacoustics Laboratory, School of Electronics Engineering, National University of Rosario in Argentina. In this essay, he traces how a child's initiation into social existence is accompanied by exposure to noise up through adulthood. He concludes with reasons for this phenonomen and solutions to this noise-enforced rite of passage.

Please Turn It Down (Stephen Frazier, 1997) Mr. Frazier discusses the impact of background music in public places from the perspective of the hearing impaired.

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